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San Diego Restaurants For Sale

Long Established-Profitable Food truck-Turn key business-big Money

Long Established-Profitable Food truck-Turn key business-big Money
This Listing is Expired

Long established food truck business that continues to roll big!

Check out www.GodSaveTheCuisine web site , it's all included. This is as turnkey as it gets for a money making business. 

Start the motor and you are on your way to making good money.

27k in in sales for  April and an additional 15 shifts booked that are not catered. Business is booming.

How much money do you want to make? Get into this business and set your own hours and determine your own bottom line. The more you work the more you bring in! Last few years the owner has taken 8-10 weeks off per year for vacation!

Work more, make more. The client list/name/website and mobile kitchen are all included.

It is a business you can simply step into, and sales will be there. Established on 2012 so they have A LOT of goodwill and loyal customers built up.

Client list is Extensive and included with the sale.

God Save the Cuisine is for sale. Sale comes with:

  •          Truck,
  •          Pre booked caterings and events throughout the year
  •          Website (
  •          Extensive contact list
  •          Email
  •          Cooking and catering equipment
  •          Produce
  •          Folder containing all recipes and how to set up the truck

God Save the Cuisine is doing great and has made over $27,000 revenue in April alone. It is looking like it will be a record year with companies catering for employees coming back to the office and people catering parties and events they have held off for the past two years. This is where the extensive contact list and 10 years in the business comes into play, God Save the Cuisine is getting constant emails from past customers trying to cater their events.

If you are looking to get into the food truck business this is the way to go. Currently a difficult business to get into without an extensive contact list. All the best breweries and offices have their set food trucks scheduled. Offices are still not at full capacity so no more just driving to an office and opening your doors. Need to be on the big companies preferred vendors list.

Super popular and very well entrenched in the San Diego food truck scene.

The business has been doing very well, even during the Covid shut down.

Well maintained truck and kitchen with A rating from health department.

Currently garaged for $ 250/week at a location that provides onsite electrical, water, extra storage space, ice and is fully fenced for security. It is even set up so that if you decide not to go out for the week you do not pay for the week. No landlords at a brick-and-mortar space give that kind of deal!

2018 and 2019 gross sales were right at 200k with net income right at 70k!

2020 was about half with the Covid shutdowns but 2021 is right back on track at 200k.

Net income in 2018, 2019 and 2021 were all in the 65-75k range

Sign the NDA and you can get the name and times of upcoming events where you can see this cash cow in action.


This is a Rob Tade-Broker listing.
Broker of Record Rob Tade DRE License #01339409


San Diego Restaurants For Sale


# of Full-Time Employees:
# of Part-Time Employees:
# of Working Owners:
Hours Open:
Event based
Year Established:
Hood System Type 1:


  • Create your own hours and schedule
  • Determine your own net income
  • Well established San Diego Food truck
  • extensive customer list provided
  • start the motor and you are in business
  • great garage/parking set up
  • A rating from health department
  • Easy operations


Will SBA Finance:
Will Seller Lend To Buyer:


Population 1-mi. 3-mi. 5-mi
2014 Total Population 56,928 144,610 528,723
Households 1-mi. 3-mi. 5-mi
2010 Number Of Households 15,869 38,400 154,117
2010 Persons Per Household 3.44 3.61 3.29
Median House Value $263,500 $258,020 $327,277
Income Per Household $37,987 $40,025 $49,488
Businesses 1-mi. 3-mi. 5-mi
2009 Number Of Businesses 1,242 1,856 6,850
2012 Number Of Employees 37,586 64,090 196,294
2012 Total Annual Payroll $574,775,000 $1,025,820,000 $3,554,241,000

click for more demographic info


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