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At, we respect and protect the privacy of our customers and those who use our website. This privacy statement provides details about how your personal information is collected and used. Personal information is any information identifying you or would enable someone to contact you, such as your name, email address, phone number and other non-public information associated with the foregoing.

This privacy statement applies to the website. is Located San Diego, Ca. 

Information Collection and Use is the sole owner of the website and the information it collects via the platform licensed to SellingRestaurants.  We do not sell, share, distributed or disseminate any collected information that is inconsistent with this privacy statement.

Information is collected on consumers through a voluntary registration process or when a consumer calls or emails The information collected fulfills the purpose as outlined in this privacy statement. 

In return for registering with, we offer our consumers certain private information not available to consumers who are not registered with

When registering, our platform captures the consumer’s IP address, which devise being used, which browser being used along with the information related to IP addresses such as general location of the consumer.  Using the IP address and linking it to the consumer, our platform observes each web page the consumer observes along with how many times and how long it is observed said web page.  Once registered, the consumer need not login for us to identify who the consumer is by name.

Such information may contain listings on businesses for sale, name and addresses of the businesses for sale, photographs of the businesses for sale, video of the businesses for sale as well as the business’ website.  It also allows the consumer to sign an online NDA which is stored and tracked by the website and available to the consumer for review at anytime.

The information captured at the time of registration is Name, Address, Company Name, Phone Contact, e-mail Address, Business Type Desired, Amount of Cash on Hand, Timeframe of Purchase, Business Experience, whether consumer if licensed real estate professional or not, whether the consumer is a current business owner, and source where consumer found

Consumers who register are placed on our e-mail list to receive updates on new listings, price change updates, listing updates as well as newsletters.  If the consumer doesn't wish to be placed on our list, the user can contact us.

There are two other methods used to opt-out of our e-mail advertising system.  Our e-mail blasting services allow the consumer to opt-out as well as the consumer can e-mail by requesting to be removed from the e-mail list.

Our information collection helps us target our resources to better serve the consumers with relevant contact information. Our platform alerts the agent of the listings you’re observing. The agent may contact the consumer via e-mail, phone, texting or other common forms of communications.

Security and Privacy

Our security of your information is reasonably secure by safeguards that meet or exceed industry standards. None of your information is given to third parties and only used for internal marketing analysis purposes.  Our servers our secure with safeguards like firewalls and secured websites technologies.

Sharing of Information

We NEVER sell or share your information with anyone outside our company!  We value our relationship with you!  Should we be bought-out by another company we’ll notify you via e-mail of the changes in our Privacy Policy to allow you time to be removed as a member of our website.


We are a cutting-edge internet based company and we use cutting-edge technologies to help us find you a business.  One technology we use is Cookies.  Although they’ve become less important in recent times, cookies are a text-only string of information transferred to your Internet browser on your computer. This helps us remember who you are.  So when you visit our website, or open an e-mail or simply somehow encounter our website our platform likely will attached a cookie to your browser.  Cookies are used to automatically log you into our website, monitor our marketing efforts in terms of opening an e-mail or clicking a link.  So cookies provide a benefit to you as well as us.


We never want to send you e-mails you don’t want. That’s our simple anti-spam policy. When you register, you select the parameters of what you want to receive in terms of our marketing e-mails and newsletters.  Opting out can be achieved by contacting us or in your online profile at you can change your setting. We also use an e-mail blasting service where you can opted-out of our e-mails blasts.


We don’t target children because we only sell businesses, which are clearly adult interest topics. So no children under 13 are knowingly targeted.

International Use

SellingRestaurants is based in the United States of America. We are bound by U.S. Codes to protect the privacy and security of your personal information.  So if you use our website, you are acknowledging and consenting to your personal information being used and stored in U.S. servers and subject yourself to U.S. Laws


Our Legal Council oversees our privacy policies. They can be reached at


Terms Of Use     © 2025