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Lake Tahoe Restaurants For Sale

Lake Tahoe Sports Bar and Grill with Full Liquor License

Lake Tahoe Sports Bar and Grill with Full Liquor License
This Listing is Sold

Owner is highly motivated to sell and had just reduced the price to an all time low. $149,000 and that includes a Full Liquor License which have recently sold in El Dorado County for $85,000. We present this unique opportunity to own and operate one of Tahoe's Sports Bars on a major thoroughfare. This is an Asset sale, combined with a valuable El Dorado Full Liquor License and many years of goodwill. The interior of this business is all wood finished and shows beautifully. Take a look at the photos and you'll fall in love with this bar. You've got to see it!

LOCATION: Situated on the main Hwy, at the entrance to South lake Tahoe, less than 4 miles from the Casino's and scheduled new Convention Center at the State line Nevada, South Lake Tahoe, California. This unique Sports Bar and Grill sits in a free standing building.

REAL ESTATE: You can also buy the real estate for this business for an additional $800,000.

LEASE TERMS: The fantastic lease terms make this restaurant and bar opportunity one of the best you’ll find in this market. Total monthly rent is only $3,200 for 4,500 total usable square feet. Folks!! THAT’S less than $1.00 per square foot. Not only is that amazing monthly rent, the lease terms get even better. The monthly rent is FIXED at this rate and increases ONLY by 3% or the consumer price index.

Let’s be honest. Most landlord’s charge what feels like an arm and leg for rent in South Lake Tahoe. This restaurant’s incredible lease terms make it Extremely possible to make a profit. Many upgrades were completed in 2007 with around $50k spent on the remodel.

HISTORY: Buy the existing Sports Bars long standing reputation, concept, recipes, lease terms, furniture, fixtures, equipment, and Full Liquor License OR bring Your Own concept and take advantage of the fantastic lease terms, furniture, fixtures, equipment.

FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE: The seller has shared that the monthly sales are quite consistent. The Seller will gladly discuss the monthly sales averages and expenses with a serious buyer.

The Seller has stated that the business was extremely strong in previous years prior to the downturn in the economy. This is a great indication this will repeat with increased stability in the economy. The many wedding receptions and private parties in Lake Tahoe could be captivated utilizing the Garden area. This would make a great live music nightspot for the locals and tourists alike and has an intimate club like feel.

LIQUOR LICENSE: An El Dorado County, type 47 Full Liquor License is included with the sale as are all the assests, fixtures and fittings. These liquor licenses alone have sold for around $85,000 recently. Therefore the price being asked is extremely Lowl for a quick sale.

HOUR OF OPERATION: Presently the Bar is open for limited hours. There is huge scope to increase business by opening for Lunch and Dinner, seven days a week, especially in this Tourist location.

REASON FOR SELLING: The Seller has many outside business interests and in 2010 was totally absentee This your opportunity to own and run your very own Bar in Lake Tahoe California.

SELLER FINANCING: If you require financing towards the purchase of the restaurant, the seller is offering financing to a qualified buyer. Ask for details. (terms of financing to be negotiated with seller)

TAKE THE NEXT STEP. Select the bright orange button below title "want name and address." Register if you're a new client and sign the online "Confidential Agreement." Then contact the Agent directly via email, submitting your experienced Resume and financial ability to purchase. This will also place you on our exclusive Buyer's e-mail list, giving you first look at our new listings.

This is a Rob Tade-Broker listing.
Broker of Record Rob Tade DRE License #01339409


Lake Tahoe Restaurants For Sale
Lease Term:
New Lease Expires 2016 + 10yr Option
Total Monthly Rent:
Security Deposit:


Last Year's Annual Gross:
Last Year's Food Cost %:
Last Year's Payroll Cost %:


Liquor License:
# of Full-Time Employees:
# of Part-Time Employees:
Hours Open:
Limited at present as owner is absentee.

5pm - 2.00am
Year Established:
Hood System Type 1:


Indoor Seating:
Outdoor Seating:
# of Parking Spots:
Inside Sq. Ft.:
Outside Sq. Ft.:


  • Lake Tahoe Full Liquor License Type 47
  • Superb Sports Bar and Grill
  • Price reflects a quick sale
  • 50k Refurb in 2007
  • Turn Key operation
  • Well known Sports Bar in Town
  • Super Large Outdoor Garden
  • 1/2 acre with ample Car Lot
  • So much potential!
  • In the past this was a $700,000 grossing Bar
  • Established for some 25 years
  • Seller is willing to carry 25% of the sale


Will SBA Finance:
Will Seller Lend To Buyer:
Seller Carryback of Purchase Price:
This Listing is Sold


Population 5-mi
2014 Total Population 18,802
Households 5-mi
2010 Number Of Households 12,436
2010 Persons Per Household 2.36
Median House Value $353,200
Income Per Household $46,859
Businesses 5-mi
2009 Number Of Businesses 828
2012 Number Of Employees 14,824
2012 Total Annual Payroll $243,370,000

click for more demographic info


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