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San Fernando Valley Restaurants For Sale

SUB Sandwich Franchise Offered in Great Area of San Fernando Valley

SUB Sandwich Franchise Offered in Great Area of San Fernando Valley
This Listing is Expired

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This Franchised Sandwich Shop has been established since 1993 in a very prominent area of the Northern San Fernando Valley. Being in a high demographic area has allowed this location to thrive over the years. Located just off a major freeway and in a shopping center at the crossing of 2 major thoroughfares of area there is no lack for potential customers.

Sales for 2016 averaged $10,565 per week ($560,820 for year) and 2017 Sales of $10,041 per week ($522,132 for year) continue to hold in a comparable range with past years despite the heavy rains and colder weather experienced this past year. The Owner has 2 other businesses and with his time split between all 3 it has become to taxing so he has decided to sell this location.

Buyer will need to be prequalified and show financial strength as franchisor will have to approve the buyer once an offer is accepted by seller. There are franchise transfer fees and training expenses as buyer will need to complete the franchise training as part of the transfer. Franchise offers Great Support in running of the business and has many supporting features. Continued On Line training for employees, managers and owners is an ongoing advantage this brand brings to your investment. The company has a high volume of TV commercial presence that drives traffic to the shop locations.

Because this being one of the major world wide franchisees it should hold the value of your investment over the years if you follow the franchise model and grow and maintain a good operation.

To get more information on this listing you can go to the "Sign NDA" tab and agree to the terms of Confidentiality as this is a VERY PRIVATE Listing. You will need to submit a "Buyers Profile" that Agent will forward to you once NDA is completed as Buyers will need to be Pre Qualified. Once completed Agent will give you name, address so you can go by and visit the business.

This is a Stone Path Brokerage Services Inc listing.
Restaurant Broker Stuart Schlosser DRE License #01809021


San Fernando Valley Restaurants For Sale
Total Monthly Rent:
Security Deposit:


Last Year's Annual Gross:


Liquor License:
# of Full-Time Employees:
# of Part-Time Employees:
Hours Open:
Mon - Fri 6AM - 11PM
Sat - Sun 7AM - 10PM
Year Established:
Hood System Type 2:


Indoor Seating:
# of Parking Spots:
lots of shared
Inside Sq. Ft.:


  • #1 Sub Sandwich Franchise
  • Great Upscale San Fernando Valley Location
  • Fully Trained Staff
  • Center Located on a busy street corner
  • Buyer will need Franchise Approval
  • Buyer will need to be PreQualified before location will be revealed
  • Great Company Training and on going help
  • National Advertising


Will SBA Finance:
Will Seller Lend To Buyer:


Population 1-mi. 3-mi. 5-mi
2014 Total Population 35,689 152,965 232,175
Households 1-mi. 3-mi. 5-mi
2010 Number Of Households 11,770 51,356 76,818
2010 Persons Per Household 2.86 2.88 2.93
Median House Value $611,800 $484,813 $462,354
Income Per Household $99,230 $79,346 $73,075
Businesses 1-mi. 3-mi. 5-mi
2009 Number Of Businesses 522 4,821 5,977
2012 Number Of Employees 8,728 130,270 159,858
2012 Total Annual Payroll $125,275,000 $2,668,733,000 $3,374,324,000

click for more demographic info


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