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San Bernardino Restaurants For Sale
Riverside Restaurants For Sale

Low Rent Restaurant In Resort Area

Low Rent Restaurant In Resort Area
This Listing is Sold

Owner retiring and selling a landmark restaurant in beautiful mountain community.

Bring your concept and serve on outdoor patios in the pines. Weddings? How about a place of your own to host community events? This restaurant is large enough to do most anything you want. Perfect location right next to a BRAND NEW COMMUNITY CENTER currently being built.

If you ever dreamed of getting out of the rat race and living "the life" in a small town community, you should check out this very cool restaurant in Idyllwild. Located in the San Jacinto mountains among tall pines, the beauty is breath-taking and you can own a restaurant with your own concept or expand on the current one. Currently serving Eurpoean baked goods and light fare breakfast and lunch, this restaurant has everything you need to run a full on menu.

Bring your own concept to an artistic community among tall pines, that is desperate for quality cuisine. Join local community events like The Art Walk and serve Picnic Baskets to the thousands attending the Summer Concert series. This location is Right Next to these concerts which invite huge tourism.

Owner is open limited hours due to health issues and is missing the dinner crowd. This place has all the equiptment you need including a hood large enough (12 ft) to do most anything.

1,000 gallon grease interceptor in place, Back Flow Device installed, plenty of parking, a repaved lot and seating for 60 incl front patio.

Front patio is probably the finest dining spot anywhere, your patrons can sit in the quiet of the forest and enjoy their meals and the beauty of nature. A rear deck is used for private events and Oktoberfest and can be put into use full time with an expanded menu and hours. 41 beer and wine license included.


Located one hour from Palm Springs, this would be an awesome place to retire. Current owner wants to retire and is open to many scenerios. Rent-Lease/Option and OWC.  If interested, please inquire about both.

a Business Intemediaries Inc listing

This is a Rob Tade-Broker listing.
Broker of Record Rob Tade DRE License #01339409


San Bernardino Restaurants For Sale
Riverside Restaurants For Sale
Lease Term:
5 yrs exp 2020 w 5 yr option
Total Monthly Rent:
Security Deposit:


Liquor License:
# of Part-Time Employees:
# of Family Employees:
# of Working Owners:
Hours Open:
8-3 M TH FR
8-5 Sa Sun
Please Call Broker about new hours
Year Established:
Hood System Type 1:


Indoor Seating:
Outdoor Seating:
# of Parking Spots:
Inside Sq. Ft.:
Outside Sq. Ft.:
Lot Sq. Ft.:
Total Building Sq. Ft.:


  • Live The Life in Idyllwild
  • Bring Your Concept to Idyllwild
  • Popular Idyllwild Restaurant + Real Estate
  • Oktoberfest in The Mountains
  • European Restaurant & Bakery
  • Idyllwild-OWC
  • Escape To The Beauty of Idyllwild
  • Idyllwild Restaurant + Property For Sale
  • Serve Dinner in The Pines
  • Perfect Wedding Location
  • Low Rent


Will SBA Finance:
Will Seller Lend To Buyer:
This Listing is Sold


Population 5-mi
2014 Total Population 0
Households 5-mi
2010 Number Of Households 1,704
2010 Persons Per Household 2.10
Median House Value $265,200
Income Per Household $58,924
Businesses 5-mi
2009 Number Of Businesses 125
2012 Number Of Employees 1,660
2012 Total Annual Payroll $23,331,000

click for more demographic info


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