This casual American comfort food restaurant in located in a very wealthy area of North Scottsdale and has been operating for 5 years. It features a large outside patio and plenty of indoor dining. The service, quality food and prices keep the local coming and attract the tourists too.
This is primarily absentee operated with the owner residing in California for most of the year. He plans to move permanently to So. Cal. after the sale.
The annual revenue is in the area of $1.2 million and profit in the area of $200,000. Sales in 2015 are up substantially as well.
Population | 5-mi |
2014 Total Population | 0 |
Households | 5-mi |
2010 Number Of Households | 0 |
2010 Persons Per Household | |
Median House Value | $0 |
Income Per Household | $0 |
Businesses | 5-mi |
2009 Number Of Businesses | 0 |
2012 Number Of Employees | 0 |
2012 Total Annual Payroll | $0 |
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