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Goodyear Restaurants For Sale

Growing Burger Restaurant With Healthy Sales and Easy Menu For Sale

Growing Burger Restaurant With Healthy Sales and Easy Menu For Sale
This Listing is Sold

Divorce forces the sale of this wonderful and simple burger concept in the west valley.  This burger business is run like a machine and the numbers show it. During the on-season the monthly sales were around $42,000 and the off-season the monthly sales are still strong at about $37,000.  Sales remain strong with the most recently sales showing growth and when the snow-birds get back, sales should get stronger. 

This simple burger concept serves the all-American meal with burger, hot dogs, fries, shakes and ice cream at a competitive price with great quality. Food costs are running about 35% while labor costs are running about 12% for this order and sit-down concept.  

This is a fairly new concept.  The store opened earlier this year with great success. The owner works hard and a new owner should expect to do the same. This is perfect for a family!  The store is kept in immaculate condition and very clean. 

I have eaten at this store and the food quality is great; hence why it is doing so well. In five months this year, the operating profit was about $67,000, which annualized is more than $160,000 a year. The sales were about $197,000, which annualized is $472,000!  WOW!  What a great success Story for a first five months. 

This is priced to sell and the owner believes in the business and is willing to carry $50,000 for the right buyer. If you run this business as well as the current owner, you'll have your money back in less than a year. Where else can you get a business priced like this. 

Numbers shown on this listing are annualized five months actual results. The business doesn't have a full year's numbers yet at is has been open since April 2013. 

This location is great and going to get stronger as the developments in the area expand. It is an end-cap unit with 1,800 Sq. Ft. and a small outside patio. There is seating for 52 inside and 4 outside. There are two monument signs on both major streets that's included in the lease. 

This is a Paramount Restaurant Brokers, Inc. listing

This is a Rob Tade-Broker listing.
Broker of Record Rob Tade DRE License #01339409


Goodyear Restaurants For Sale
Lease Term:
Expires August 31, 2016 + 1 Yr 5 Option
Total Monthly Rent:
Security Deposit:


Last Year's Annual Gross:
Last Year's Owner's Cash Flow:


# of Full-Time Employees:
# of Part-Time Employees:
Hours Open:
Mon. - Sat. 10am - 9pm.
Sun. 10am - 8pm.
Year Established:
Hood System Type 1:


Indoor Seating:
Outdoor Seating:
# of Parking Spots:
Inside Sq. Ft.:
Outside Sq. Ft.:


  • Easy To Operate Burger Business.
  • Simple Menu.
  • Clean and Open Kitchen.
  • Facility is in Great Shape.
  • Buyer Must Be a Hard Worker to Earn The Reported Income
  • Perfect Family Business!
  • Growing Area = Growing Sales.
  • New Developments Going In Nearby.


Will SBA Finance:
Will Seller Lend To Buyer:
This Listing is Sold


Population 3-mi. 5-mi
2014 Total Population 51,057 93,140
Households 3-mi. 5-mi
2010 Number Of Households 13,341 24,759
2010 Persons Per Household 3.07 3.25
Median House Value $153,300 $132,179
Income Per Household $67,132 $56,768
Businesses 3-mi. 5-mi
2009 Number Of Businesses 631 1,064
2012 Number Of Employees 28,148 43,702
2012 Total Annual Payroll $428,792,000 $680,961,000

click for more demographic info


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