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Aug 13, 2012
Article #125
Author: Chuck Machado

To keep you informed...

This deal has gotten hairier and hairier by the day. Now I want you to know that in the beginning, the buyers HAD TO sign the purchase contract on the Koran. Ok? I kid you not. Every sheet of paper, signed three times had to be placed on the book.

Today the buyers were at the cash register trying to take their early possession. The seller is leaving town in a couple days. I was 100 miles away so I couldn't intervene other than telling them to get the heck out of there. They have uniform shirts and everything. Crazy seller's.

Now the fun part... The attorney has been diagnosed with hepatitis C and is getting interveinious medication which leaves him horizontal and on another plane of existence. Finally, I spoke to him and he understands what I want him, need for him to accomplish.

Tomorrow he will get our purchase contract and make a stock sale out of it. Tomorrow i will also be on hand to collect an escrow check from the buyers. Ill make sure it gets over nighted to escrow.

Now, I get this message from the property manager. The owner has died.  Can it get any more fun than this? God, this is wild. I'll disclose to buyers and tell them they will have to deal with it when the dust settles.  We might need to bust out the holy book...our holy book to make this deal work. And to think, a one day sale and supposedly the easiest one...

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