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2010 Jobs Act Information Reporting for Rental Expense

Feb 23, 2011
Article #66
Author: Peter S. Muffoletto, C.P.A.

From the desk of
Peter S. Muffoletto, C.P.A.
2010 Jobs Act Information Reporting for Rental Expense
The Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 (2010 Jobs Act) requires information reporting for rental property expense payments of $600 or more that are made after December 31, 2010. This reporting requirement is one of several revenue raising provisions that are included to offset the $12 billion cost of tax relief provided by the legislation.
Generally, if a person, or other business entity such as a partnership or corporation (payor) makes payments to another person (payee) in connection with the payor’s trade or business totaling $600 or more during a calendar year, the payor is required to send the appropriate information return to the Internal Revenue Service, and the payee.
Under the 2010 Jobs Act, any individual taxpayer who receives real estate rental income is considered to be engaged in a “trade or business” for purposes of the information reporting requirements. This is true even for individuals engaged in a “passive investment activity” under general tax rules and principles.
The reporting obligation applies if the total of all payments made by the payor in any tax year is $600 or more, even though the amount for any class of payment by itself is less than $600.
Payments that must be reported include:
W-2 requirements with appropriate payroll taxes, quarterly returns, and monthly payroll tax deposit requirements:
·         salaries, wages
1099Misc Requirements:
·         commissions, fees, incentive awards and other forms of compensation;  
·         interest, rents, royalties, annuities, pensions, and other gains, profits and income.
Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, is the information return used to report payments to employees, whereas Form 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Income, is generally used to report other types of payments.
An exemption from the filing requirement is extended to members of the uniformed services or employees of the intelligence community who rent out their principal residence on a temporary basis. In addition, the Internal Revenue Service is authorized to issue regulations that exempt individuals whose rental income falls below a minimum threshold or who meet certain hardship standards.
Failure to comply with these requirements may result in the imposition of penalties, including penalties for failure to file the information return and failure to furnish payee statements.
The current legislation that is working through Congress that is aimed at repealing some 1099 reporting requirements does not address this aspect of the reporting therefore the above still remains mandatory and is unlikely to change back to the prior rules.
We here at Muffoletto & Company believe that the more informed you are in regards to the rules and regulations that affect you the more we can be of service.
Should you have questions relating to any tax or financial matters, or if you know of someone that could benefit from our assistance feel free in calling us at
(818) 346-2160, or you can visit us on the web at

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