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I used SellingRestaurant to Sell My Restaurant and Would do it Again

Hi Keith,

You know Keith, you are Johnny on the spot, you are truly an exceptional broker. I feel quite lucky to have you. I do not know any other broker I have ever dealt with that has been as proactive and knowledgeable and willing to help as yourself, so thanks a lot.

Your checklist for Monday is excellent and very complete. I was just wondering, do you think it would be prudent to simply set up the meeting with the ABC tomorrow, Monday, even if we do not have a verbal from the landlord. After all the worst that can happen is we make the appointment with ABC and we cancel presuming a slight chance that there may be an issue with the landlord. But I was thinking if we wait until Wednesday to even ask if there's an appointment with ABC those extra two days meaning Monday and Tuesday of this week particularly Monday we may have missed out on an appointment that if we would've called Monday we might have been able to get for the following week referring to Monday and Tuesday of the following week. I'll leave that up to your good judgment, but just intuitively it seems the quicker we can set up the meeting with ABC the better, if I am going to be able to see them either at the end of this week or the beginning of next. And if I'm missing something the worst that can happen is we simply cancel the meeting with the ABC and it costs nobody anything.

Regards Ed McGrath

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