Desired Cities: |
Phoenix, Scottsdale, Glendale, Peoria, surrounding area's |
Maximum Price Willing To Pay: |
125,000- half |
Square Feet Range: |
800 - 2400 |
Maximum Monthly Rent Willing To Pay: |
3,500- half |
Total Cash Available: |
75,000 |
Desired Cash Flow: |
100,000 |
General Comments: |
I want to partner with an alike individual who want to partner equally to create a bakery cafe concept open for breakfast, lunch and catering only. There are many idea's above and beyond this concept though its a good starting point.
The food would be mainly scratch cooking with limited seating, big emphasis on carry out and catering. Breakfast would be made to order, fresh and consistent. Is there someone out there ready to make a move to be on their own in Phoenix? |