Family owned Asian restaurant for sale in Rocklin which is 21 minutes northeast from Sacramento area. Seller is retiring is looking to sell to the right buyer. Lease amount is $5319.00. Rent cover water, garbage and CAM charges. Monthly gross income is averaging $50,000 without DoorDash income. Approximately 2300 square feet with 78 seating capacity. Some of the equipment included are 22 feet type 1 hood, walk in cooler, walk in freezer, 4 burner stove with oven, 2 deep fryer, 5 wok, 2-door fridge, 3-door under the counter fridge + topping bar, 2-door under the counter fridge and more.
https://sellingrestaurants.com/restaurant-for-sale/family-owned-asian-restaurant-for-sale-in-rocklin-shopping-center |